Why Do CPAs Prefer to Work with Practice By Numbers?

You want to be much more than a tax planner, we can help!

In the past, being a CPA for a dental practice meant you had one job: crunch numbers. Today, it’s far more strategic and interwoven into the day-to-day operations of the business.

As a CPA, there’s no better way to start than using Practice By Numbers to help differentiate your offering to clients. You’ll instantly be able to deliver greater value to clients through improved transparency, reliable data and metrics, and accurate analytics.

And, the more you can deliver a true value-add to a practice, the more you are able to build loyal, long-lasting relationships with clients.  Practice By Numbers helps you achieve just that.


Practice by Numbers makes it easy for you to get up and running in as little as 1 day.

Top 6 Reasons Why CPA Consultants Prefer Working with Practice By Numbers

Here are the top 6 reasons why CPA dental consultants prefer working with Practice By Numbers over other solutions available on the market today:


All-in-one solution

Whether your client wants to learn more about hidden revenue opportunities, get insights on which marketing campaign is performing best, or understand how to maximize their schedules for greater profitability, Practice By Numbers can help. Learn more


Prove your ROI

Dentists want to know their consultants are delivering value. By giving them access to campaign analytics, helping them uncover hidden revenue opportunities, and more – you can immediately prove your return on investment. Learn more about marketing IQ


Maximize efficiency

When you’re relying on staff to pull numbers for a weekly or monthly read-out, the process can be time consuming and clunky – and even worse, inaccurate. Maximize data accuracy, eliminate wasted time, and get a simple way to get reliable information on the health of the practice and its marketing campaigns. Learn more


Scalable to fit clients of any size

Whether your client has one practice or one hundred practices, our solution is scalable so you can easily access the dashboards, goals, KPIs, campaigns, and more to line them up for success. Learn more


Greater accountability

To be a successful consultant, the practice needs to be able to hold the team accountable for achieving goals. Our software helps maximize accountability, and ensures the team is aligned and on the same page in terms of how to meet various goals. Learn more


A competitive advantage

You’re competing with other dental consultants who may not have a streamlined method for creating detailed reports and accessing transparent, accurate, and reliable data. Practice By Numbers is so affordable you can offer it as part of your service. Learn more about pricing

Build longer-lasting, loyal relationships by adding even greater value to your clients.

Gone are the days where CPA consultants simply focus on tax planning for a dental practice. Instead, they are being viewed as true stewards of the business, helping shape the strategy, shine light on areas to improve, and deliver greater profitability.

With the help of the Practice By Numbers software, you can position yourself for success and work to build long-lasting client relationships by being an all-encompassing consultant for them.

Cost-effective Solution Done Right

Practice By Numbers is built to be affordable, so you can include PracticeIQ as part of your differentiation strategy while still maximizing your bottom line.99% of the time.isn’t – to make smarter decisions for your practice in the future.

Maximize Efficiency with Reliable Data

Relying on staff to send you numbers can be clunky and cumbersome, so Practice By Numbers streamlines these tasks so you can easily come prepared to weekly and monthly client calls.

Set Goals for Clients in One Easy-to-Use Dashboard

Remove the barriers to reporting and data analysis through one easy-to-use dashboard so you can see key metrics all at-a-glance. Help clients easily identify what areas are doing well, where there are opportunities to improve, and how to set goals to ensure align

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Improving your patient relationships doesn’t have to be an impossible, insurmountable task. Practice by Numbers makes it easy for you to get up and running in as little as 1 day.
