Why Marketing Agencies are Partnering with Practice By Numbers

Demonstrable ROI for your customers

Any good marketing agency knows that you must be able to deliver a strong return on investment (ROI) for the client. However, many boutique agencies that are working with dental practices lack the common software and tools needed to track campaigns appropriately.

With Practice By Numbers, you can easily see how campaigns are performing and deliver accurate and reliable results to your clients.


Deliver greater transparency into your marketing campaigns while delivering a stronger patient experience for your clients.

Top 6 Reasons Why Marketing Agencies Trust Practice By Numbers to Deliver Great Results to Clients

Here are the top 6 reasons why dental consultants prefer working with Practice By Numbers over other solutions available on the market today:


Easily view marketing campaign performance

Through call tracking and other must-have metrics, you and your clients can easily view what’s working, and what isn’t – so you can optimize campaigns in the future. Learn more about campaign tracking


Easily define success with the client

It’s key to ensure you and the client are on the same page when it comes to defining success. We help you bring all of your various pieces of data together in one unified place so you can get full access control to enterprise dashboards, drill-down reporting, and more. Learn more about goal management.


Improve your client’s patient experiences

Help your clients easily capture leads right on their website through webchat so new leads never lose momentum and get lost to a competitor. Deliver a streamlined experience for your client’s patients. Learn more about webchat.


Maximize client loyalty and retention

In addition to simply running campaigns, the more you are able to come full circle with the information and share what’s working and what isn’t, and how it is improving their bottom line, will increase your stickiness and ensure you’re perceived as a comprehensive agency. Learn more.


Maximize conversion rates with online appointment booking

As a marketing agency, you know that half the battle is getting a lead to fill out the form. Continue this momentum through the ability to book appointments online – to maximize conversions and profitability at the practice. Learn more.


Learn from your campaigns

Not only can you track how your campaigns are performing, but you can also see which ones can easily be improved to help make your client more profitable and your campaign more successful. Learn more about Market IQ.

Deliver Greater Value and ROI To Clients

Many boutique advertising agencies and marketing firms lack the common tools needed to prove their campaign success.

With Practice By Numbers, not only can you get a software that helps you understand how your marketing campaigns are performing, but you can also use this information to make tweaks to the campaigns you’re creating and help deliver even more effective campaigns in the future – securing a successful, long-lasting, loyal client relationship that is profitable for both you and the client.


Deliver Transparency to Clients

Through accurate data, thorough reporting, and reliable analytics, you can deliver greater transparency to clients on how the campaigns are performing.

Learn from Marketing Campaigns

Easily see what’s working and what isn’t so you can continually optimize your marketing campaigns for maximum success and conversions.

Help Clients Deliver a Better Patient Experience

Through unique features like webchat and online appointment forms, you help patients have a seamless experience while not losing any momentum on a new lead.

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Improving your patient relationships doesn’t have to be an impossible, insurmountable task. Practice by Numbers makes it easy for you to get up and running in as little as 1 day.
