Why Should a Single Practice Owner Choose Practice By Numbers?

Simplify and Consolidate

As the owner of your dental practice, your time is spread thin balancing the countless requirements it takes to serve patients, manage your staff, and run a practice.

Simplify your life with Practice By Numbers and get a single source of truth for your practice marketing, analytics, and recall/reminder needs.


Practice by Numbers makes it easy for you to get up and running in as little as 1 day.

Top 6 Reasons Why Dentists Trust Practice By Numbers

Here are the top 6 reasons why Single Practice Owners Prefer Practice By Numbers over other solutions available on the market today:


All-in-one solution

Gone are the days where you have to waste time managing multiple vendors. Practice By Numbers delivers a comprehensive solution so you can have a seamless experience. Learn about Practice IQ


Proven results

Dentists who use our software can immediately view their return on investment because we make tracking and analysis easy for any practice. Learn more about Marketing ROI


Made by dentists, for dentists

Our co-founders previously worked in dental practices of their own. Understanding the true gaps and needs of dentists, our founders started Practice by Numbers to deliver a solution that truly benefits sole practitioners. Read about us


Fully customizable

Our solution is tailor-made to fit the needs of your practice and is meant to be flexible and customizable so you can see what you want, always at-a-glance. Find out how to customize campaigns to your liking. Find out how to customize campaigns to your liking


Greater accountability

Our software adds a level of transparency to your practice, enabling you to add a layer of accountability and transparency in your day-to-day operations. Through this you can achieve greater results, more goals hit, and improved profitability. Learn more


A competitive advantage

You’re competing with DSOs – and one way to stay level and ahead of the competition is to make sure your tech stack is on par with the others. Practice By Numbers gives you the right tools to deliver a great patient experience while helping you track what’s working, what isn’t, and where there are opportunities to grow. Learn more about tracking your efforts

Set yourself apart from competitors and get a trusted, dependable software that streamlines your practice’s marketing, communication, and tracking efforts.

At Practice By Numbers, we’re not private equity or venture based. In fact, big corporations are destroying dental software the same way big corporations destroyed dentistry. We’re a cashflow-positive company that’s dedicated to helping dental practices like yours excel through a software that truly makes an impact.

Customizable, Flexible Campaigns

Practice By Numbers makes it easy for you to customize campaigns in terms of the messaging, timing, cadence, and more.

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Greater Transparency and Tracking with Proven ROI

Make smarter decisions for your practice by truly understanding where your campaign dollars are being best spent.

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Deliver a Greater Patient Experience Every Step of the Way

From a seamless experience before they even walk through your door, to having systems in place that give your office staff, hygienists, and the doctors a complete picture of the patient, you can improve customer service and satisfaction while maximizing ROI.

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Improving your patient relationships doesn’t have to be an impossible, insurmountable task. Practice by Numbers makes it easy for you to get up and running in as little as 1 day.
